My yoga instructor shared this in a tough class that was certainly testing my limits, but these words really hit home for another reason.

I was getting ready to take Ustyled on the road for a few months of travel, speaking and working with clients in cities across the country (and world!). It was a kind of crazy idea that honestly scared me.

Because I wasn’t just going to be traveling. I was going to be putting my stuff in storage and hitting the road for the sake of getting the message out there in a bigger way and to also take a step back to tap more into my creativity.

I founded Ustyled in 2008 to empower women to live their life in style.

I’ve realized that it’s about much more that that.

It’s about empowering women to step into their power using their style as a catalyst.

I’ve always been passionate about women staying in the workforce. Even well before Sheryl Sandberg’s famous Ted talk. But that talk really spoke to me for two reasons.

One, she was talking about me. When I was at BCBG I looked around and saw what ‘it took’ to be at the top. And had a sense of how long it would take. And I knew I wanted to have children at some point and when I did, I didn’t want to have to make the decision between career and family.

Yet, at the same time I did opt out in a way. I left the job most would covet because I wanted to create the flexibility to have both a career and a family. Not that I even had a boyfriend at the time.

Two, I founded Ustyled because I wanted to make it easier for women to have a career and a family. To ‘have it all.’ To ‘find balance.’

Yes, I help women ‘save time’ and I do work with women specifically because they do want to outsource their shopping + style, but I’ve noticed the subtle and not so subtle differences in their careers and lives over the course of us working together.

And many of my clients I’ve worked with for years. 

I see them step even more into their power. I see them show up. And I see them succeed at even higher levels.

I will certainly not take credit for all their hard work.But their unleveled style was a big part of the change in how they showed up for meetings, events, networking, and every day.


If you give in to the part of you that would rather stay in comfy clothes for the day because it’d just be easier, how much do you get done and how do you show up?


So, here I am on the road. Essentially homeless, yet I’ve already felt so at home.


And it’s not about me. It’s about you.

I want to see YOU step into your power. 

I’ve witnessed the ah-ha’s that come about when I get to speak to a group of women on Style Power + Building a Wardrobe you Love.

It’s not just about the clothes. The clothes are a catalyst. It’s about YOU.

The interesting thing is that many women are afraid of looking at their style even though they’re not happy with it … because that would mean being seen. 

Well, if you aren’t seen, you aren’t heard. And the women I work with have something to say.

What do you have to say? Is it time to amplify your message?

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. 

And this IS a total transformation – inside + out.

If you’re ready to step into your power + step out in style. If you’re ready to get your message out there in a big way. If you’re ready for that next promotion or positioning yourself for more speaking engagements.

I’m here to support you.

Take it from one of my recent clients:

“Catherine you have changed my world forever! Thank you so much for everything you gave me today and for being so incredibly present in my world. Your gifts for making this fierce badass girl feel even more delicious deserve so many accolades! Christina Dunbar you were not messin around when you told me to bring this woman into my circle! Thank you!” ~ Melissa Bird, mom/PhD Candidate/change agent

And this is only the beginning of our work together!

Can you see why I felt the need to take this work on the road? I want to meet you! I want to connect. I want you to be inspired + supported to step into your style power.

I want to see you change the world.



Now, it might not be your style that would put you completely outside of your comfort zone, but we all have something that would. (Skydiving?)


What is one thing you could do today that would put you outside of your comfort zone to challenge + change + grow?

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