Ustyled is committed to ending wardrobe frustration for women.

This is about adding ease to your morning routine so you can focus on the things that are important (family, career goals, yourself) while also feeling like you’re ready to SLAY the day.

This is what Style Power is about – your CONFIDENCE in yourself as you go through your day.

It’s not about looking the part or fitting in. It’s about showing up as 100% YOU completely confident – not afraid to stand out or speak up.

We’ve worked with hundreds of women over the last 8 years and I’ve seen time and again how powerful it is to give a woman the tools to OWN her presence through her style. It’s a confidence catalyst for more success in life, love and career.


We’ve seen our clients grow their businesses from 6 to 7 figures.

We’ve seen clients meet the loves of their lives and get married.

We’ve seen our clients massively grow their speaking engagements and build a movement.

We’ve seen our clients earn promotions (and sizeable raises) in record time.

And we’ve seen our clients lose 2-4 dress sizes because they starting loving their bodies as they are, now.


At our recent Personal Brand of Style Power workshop here in DC, I had a blast sharing the keys to a powerful brand and presence and HOW they could create more clarity and confidence in their every day style NOW.

There were a few key takeaways that I wanted to share with you today to give you the opportunity to move through the exercises we did at the workshop so you, too, could start creating more confidence and clarity now.


1. Start with WHY

Your WHY is the essence of who you are – how do you want to show up, how do you want to feel and how do you want to make others feel in your presence?

Take a moment to think on this or even journal if you have 5 minutes to spare.

This is a key step in finding the confidence to stand OUT. There are so many things that happen to us throughout our lives that make us dim our light and fear standing out. You have to take back your power one step at a time. Starting with WHY you are here is that first step.


2. Clear for Clarity

That next step is setting aside the time to actually GET IN YOUR CLOSET.

There are three reasons why you open your closet and feel frustrated and overwhelmed with a closet Donation picfull of clothes and nothing to wear:

→ You don’t have the best closet staples to ground your FUN pieces (wardrobe updates) that highlight your personality

→ Your closet is ALL closet staples and clothes that will simply get you out the door. So it’s no FUN and it’s not YOU.

→ You haven’t thoughtfully updated your closet recently (buying another pair of black pants or another black cardigan doesn’t count), so your closet doesn’t reflect where you are right now … you’ve evolved past your wardrobe.

Start with going through the staples to make sure you have the BEST pieces for each.

Really be honest with yourself and keep the pieces that make you feel amazing when you wear them (these are usually the pieces you get the most compliments on).


3. Prioritize your PLAN

You’re going to have to start updating your closet now.

This means investing in new pieces and investing in YOU.

It doesn’t have to mean a giant shopping spree! This is why our annual package includes only 4 Boutique Boxes for your seasonal updates. We believe in quality over quantity.

So, what do you wear often that needs to be replaced?

What are you missing that would make getting ready with a fun new piece super easy?

What works for now fit-wise, but isn’t that amazing, so you only wear it in a pinch? This is something to look to replace as well – find that ONE piece with the fabulous fit that is always a no-brainer!

Of course, this is also easier said than done.

And I know that taking the leap into an annual plan of support is a big step. We’ve offered our Style Power Program in the past with great success, but I’ve also realized how that can be a fairly big step as well.

We’re here to help you create more success in your life and have more fun with your style so it’s easy to show up every day unabashedly, confidently YOU.


Sign up below to receive our Style Power Report (which outlines the Top 10 Closet Staples every woman should have.

Here’s to YOU owning your STYLE POWER!



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