A Book Review


Like most things that are marketed as ‘secrets’ this book share secrets that are really just reminders of things that we already know.

Of course, this is a lot of the reason why two heads will always be better than one – sometimes you need a little nudge to get you moving in the right direction.

Especially when that nudge is so thoroughly outlined and researched with poignant quotes galore!

In reading through the Secrets of Six Figure Women, I found myself nodding my head in agreement. However, there were a few things that really stuck out to me, so I’ll share the highlights here:

Successful High Earners vs. Hard Driven High Earners

Successful High Earners work passionately, sensibly and are purpose driven while striving for balance. They believe working hard doesn’t mean working all the time. They “think in terms of trade-offs, not sacrifices to find a workable equilibrium.”

Hard Driven High Earners are “superwomen on steroids” for whom working is an addiction and completely money driven. They are much more likely to burn out and eventually have to review their purpose and refocus their efforts.

Placing Value on our Skills

You and I both know it, we’re guilty of prioritizing others needs in front of our own. We’re natural caregivers. This is an amazing trait and the most significant difference between men and women. What Six Figure Women realize is that “we have to learn to take care of ourselves first, and not feel guilty” instead of feeling guilty whenever they do something for themselves. As one woman put it, “I had to learn to value myself before I could give to others.”

A key problem for under-earners (the term coined for those not making six or seven figures) was that the money was always secondary. Ironically, this doesn’t change for Six Figure Women. What does change is the value and understanding these women have about money. What they realize is that the more money they make, the more they can give. More importantly, they realize that they are worth this money that they are making. So, they actually give themselves opportunities to make the income they deserve.

This means speaking up when a raise, higher hourly or a promotion is deserved. More often than not, these women got what they asked for. And, if they didn’t, they realized they had a choice to make – accept the lower pay or find a way to get more elsewhere.

Setting the Intention

Setting an intention to make a certain income was a recurring them as well. The most important aspect of this was the determination to reach their ultimate goal. This required a lot of inner work for these women – letting go of what was holding them back (whether naysayers, toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs, etc) and moving on. More than just the intention, was the PURPOSE. This purpose let to higher fulfilment and required them to get in the game to WIN, not just working not to lose. Quite a different perspective!

Seeking Support

Setting an intention to make six or seven figures is no small feat for anyone – male or female. Support becomes a huge factor in success as these women stretched themselves beyond what they’d every imagined. Do you think they were a bit out of their comfort zone? To step into their power, they found support through their friends and family (and let go of those who weren’t supportive. They also found support through TRUE BELIEVERS and WAY SHOWERS. I though this was an incredibly interesting distinction outside of general support.

TRUE BELIEVERS constantly tell you ‘you can do it! go for it!’ while WAY SHOWERS have been down the route you’re about to travel and show you the way. “They inspire us to set our intention high and stick to it when our faith falls short.”

So, if you’re not a Six Figure Woman yet … why not? I know you can. And if you are, are you considering the jump to being a Seven Figure Woman now?

To your abundance!

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