It’s been a while since I’ve posted! It’s been a whirlwind of a month and I’m even writing from a gorgeous home in Kauai right now.

I just got into Kauai from Maui last night and woke up for a quick run this morning before getting to work (yes, I’m actually in Kauai to work!). While I was running this quote I shared in my last newsletter popped into my head:

“Abundance is about looking at life and knowing that you have everything you need for complete happiness, and then being able to celebrate each and every moment!”  ~ Wayne Dyer

I was in Maui for the Maui Marathon and was lucky enough to have my parents and brother join my friend Gwen (also running the marathon) for the experience. Since my parents are in Nashville while I live in LA, it’s always nice to have time with them. Even more, my marathon got them back to Hawaii after 31 years (their honeymoon!). As somewhat of a workaholic, having them there to celebrate in my accomplishment really got me to sit back and relax. Actually enjoy my vacation!

Yesterday, I was disappointed I had to leave them as I was continuing on to Kauai and they were heading home. That feeling was put aside as soon as I landed in Kauai. When I arrived last night, I was greeted at the airport with a big smile and a beautiful orchid lei from my gorgeous friend Nancy Miller (check out Even more, the greetings from otherwise strangers (though, friends of Nancy’s) was overwhelmingly welcoming.

Nancy asked me a deep question at dinner: “What is your ideal vision?” Basically, what is your ideal life and style?

It really hit me that I AM living my ideal vision. Sure, I have many more things I want to accomplish, but I really, truly am living my life in the style that I’ve always envisioned for myself.

Then, while running, I was struck by how beautiful and peaceful it was. It would seem like I was running down a normal street and then suddenly I’d get a glimpse of the gorgeous clear blue ocean. Or, I’d look up and there’s the stunning mountains with a bit of a cloud cover just at the tip.

Yes, I know I’m in paradise, but I couldn’t help but think about how lucky and blessed I am.

The point is, in LA I’d been focusing on finances, but here in Hawaii I can’t help but recognize the abundance already in my life. It really is a blessed life!

I encourage you to think about all the amazing things in your life – the people, the experiences, the lifestyle – and focus on the positive. What Wayne Dyer is saying is that if you focus on the abundance already in your life and truly appreciate it, you will only attract more abundance.

To your abundant life and style!

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