It’s that time of year again: New year, new YOU!

Except that we don’t and can’t change overnight. We’re hard wired to want to keep doing the bad habits we claim we want to change.

Such as buying another white tee shirt (guilty) or another pair of black pants.

The only way that we can actually create change is through awareness. Until you know better, you won’t be able to do better.

For you to improve in any area of your life (let alone completely change), you have to be aware of what you’re already doing and WHY you’re doing it.

There is always the debate in regards to image and style that it shouldn’t matter what we look like. Unfortunately, it does. And it is partly because others are judging us and that’s human nature.

I don’t care about them and what they think about you. I care about you. I care about what YOU think about you.

So, what do you think about you?

Are you holding back or hiding in any way?

Are you ready to step out and make 2016 your biggest year yet?? (This will require some major visibility.)

Do you know you totally ROCK and are already gorgeous?

(HINT: It’s the last one that is my ultimate goal for you to believe and feel.)


So, if you’re not quite to the place of knowing you ROCK, then I would love to for you to consider taking the following steps towards owning your Style Power:


1 – Start with WHY

Why do you want to feel more confident? Why are you ready to stand out and be seen in a much bigger way? Really go deep.

Why do you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? This moves us on to the next step.


2 – Connect to YOU

What do you want to communicate with your presence? This is as much about your energy with your presence as it is what you’re actually wearing. When you first meet someone, they’re noting the details of your clothes, your smile, your handshake and your energy (read: confidence).

In order to show up confident, you have to do YOU. Yes, you must be mindful to what is appropriate for an environment or occasion, but you can’t sacrifice yourself completely.

To start connecting to YOU in your own personal style, consider what lights you up when you wear it. Is it a color, a designer, a shape, a style, an accessory, or a detail? What are the elements of these pieces? Made in America, artistic, tailored, high quality fabric, etc.?

You’ll notice that I still want you to go deep.


3 – Clean out your closet (NOW!)

You may have noticed a trend in defining your style and finding your power for 2016: Clarity.

Now we need to get clarity on what is in your closet and why it’s there. It doesn’t have to be daunting. It can be one step at a time (like everything else in life you want to improve!).

First step: All of your black pants.

How many pairs of black pants do you have? You don’t need 20. Many women need just a few perfect pairs, but what YOU need will depend on your career and your style preferences.

Focus on noticing the fit of each pair as you try them on. You don’t want any bunching or bulging. Of course, your body type will dictate the pant style that is best for you (straight vs. slim vs. wide leg) and you always need to pay attention to the length, which can also lead to unnecessary and unflattering bunching, but really focus your initial attention on the fit through the rear, thighs and waist. Only keep those that make you look and feel good.

I go over all of this is major detail in my Step into Style Power Program. If you’re really serious about upleveling your style in 2016, this is designed to be an empowering first step.


The Bottom Line: You don’t need to have a giant wardrobe to have a great wardrobe.

You need to have quality pieces you love and actually wear. Then, you can mix + match.


Style IS an evolution, anyway. As you evolve, so must your style. So, we’ll take it one step at a time. THAT is how we create true change. And that is how you will realize your 2016 resolution, in style.


Really committed to upleveling your style, career and LIFE in 2016? Ustyled can help! As a company, we are committed to YOU and your success.

First, make sure we’re connected on Instagram and Facebook so you can get your daily dose of style inspiration.

Then, reach out to set up a time to connect with Catherine. Between Step into Style Power, Boutique Box, and Corporate Trainings and Motivational Speaking, we have options that can help women at all levels of their career move forward in Style Power.

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