We’ve all received that last minute invite to a party – whether it’s a holiday party or not – and then experience the dreaded ‘I have nothing to wear’ feeling.

We open our closet and we don’t see any options. Much less something that makes us feel fabulous.

But we have a closet full of clothes … how is this possible?

First, I’ll tell you how it’s possible and then I’ll share how you can fix it to show up to that party in STYLE – your style.


1) You have three different sizes.

Your current weight, your heavier weight and your someday soon lighter weight.

So, you can’t go into your closet and know something is going to look and feel amazing. You have to try on a bunch of clothes to find something that works. Otherwise, you just go back to your old standby which you’ve worn over and over and just isn’t thrilling anymore. (And possibly is only good enough so that you aren’t leaving the house naked.)

The fix: Be honest with yourself about your body and love it exactly as it is now.

This may require some tough love and/or an outside opinion to help you hone in on the absolute best pieces for you to keep. If you’re worried about gaining weight or constantly trying to lose weight, you’ll stay in this never-ending vicious cycle.

Instead, accept and honor where you are now. And focus on how to dress your body to fit + flatter. This is a KEY thing that I work with clients on and the bonus is that once they get to this place of acceptance and peace with their body, then the weight starts coming off … and stays off.

(If you want to get some quick tips for dressing for your body type, sign up below and read that first email you receive – the report includes a bonus on dressing your beautiful body.)

Party fix: Go with the little black dress that shows your waist and add some fun accessories + sparkle + your favorite shoes.


2) You have 20 white tee shirts.

Ok, that may be an exaggeration, but you know what I mean. You have a tendency to buy the same thing over and over again. Having a uniform can be functional, but it can also be boring. And it can also be an excuse. (Steve Jobs and his black turtleneck are an anomaly, not the norm!)

So, of course you’re bored with your closet! There is no YOU in there. It’s lacking personality, color, FUN.

The fix: Inventory your wardrobe and clean out your closet.

Try on ALL of those white tees and keep just the ones that fit you the best and are still in great shape. Chances are, this actually IS a key element of your personal style, but you could use some help taking it to the next level, stretching yourself a bit and adding a bit more personality + finishing touches.

(Hint: This is where working with U*styled either one-on-one or via the Style Power Program can be eye-opening and FUN!)

Party fix: Add some sparkle with a statement necklace to that white tee + jeans + colorful pumps (and maybe a fun blazer with a bit of sparkle as well).


3) Your wardrobe hasn’t been updated since you graduated college. Or had kids. Or left your corporate job.

You’re busy. And shopping isn’t a priority. Or, at least it’s not as much fun as it was. There are many more options out there for you in your 20’s than in your 30’s and beyond. Well, they’re there, but you’ve changed so much, you’re not sure where to find what is best for YOU.

The problem here is that your wardrobe is now out of alignment. It represented you and served you well at one point, but it doesn’t now. And it’s been so long that now it’s in a place where you don’t know where to start to figure out what is YOU. It’s overwhelming.

The fix: It’s time for a deep clean and, honestly, some expert support.

It’s not a small task, but you will be SO glad you did it once you did. I always suggest going through each category at a time (pants, skirts, dress, etc.) so you can break it up and have a sense of completion + progress with each category. This is how we go through it in the Style Power Program and how I go through it with most of my one-on-one clients.

Then, you can start to identify what it is that you love about what you’re keeping – the fit, the colors, the fabrics, the style, the details, etc.

The right stylist for you will quickly see what it might take you a little longer to figure out. Then, she can help you to create a plan to build on this foundation. She’ll also help you push yourself to grow with your style and truly step out into what I like to call your ‘Style Power.’

Party Fix: Scan your closet and notice which color you’re drawn to and/or your favorite piece that always makes you feel BEAUTIFUL. Take a few quick notes on WHY you feel beautiful and WHAT you love about it.
Add a few finishing touches – a couple of pieces of accessories, a belt, your favorite heels you can dance all night in – and don’t forget the confidence.


The bottom line is that when you have a wardrobe full of clothes you love, that fit you and are in alignment with who you are and where you’re going, you’ll always have something for that last minute special event.

Every new addition to your wardrobe becomes about adding value. And you never have to go shopping in a panic for an event ever again.

Sound lovely?

Let’s explore how U*style can help you achieve just that. Click here to set up a Style Clarity Call with U*styled CEO Catherine Cassidy.




U*styled is committed to serving women leaders.

Our work is about empowering women to step into their power as a leader using their style as a catalyst. Our intention is to help each client define her style, integrate it into WHO she is and how she shows up and then help her build a success wardrobe that supports her personal + professional goals.



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