Many women I meet seem to think that they don’t have great style. They’re unsure of what they’re wearing and buying. So, they may create a uniform out of boredom. Or, they simply don’t try.

While, a uniform can be a great resource for a busy professional woman, it most definitely can’t be boring! Your wardrobe and style is an extension of your personality and mood. The way you’re dressed both expresses and impacts how you feel … about yourself and throughout the day.

Pretty powerful!!

Think about why we have women we look to as ‘Style Icons.’ What is it about them that makes them seem stylish? Universally, the answer tends to be the same, though two-fold: It seems so easy and effortless AND it’s an authentic expression of herself.

Really, style doesn’t need to be intimidating. YOU have style! If you’re not feeling confident about your style, you simply have to access it.

Whenever I work with a client, I access the foundation she’s already created and simply tweak it for her. This is why I love starting in a client’s closet. I bet you have an amazing wardrobe and you wear only 35-50% of it! What a waste. Imagine if you incorporated the rest of your clothes into your rotation? Amazing! And it becomes SO much more fun to get ready in the morning!

It comes down to discovering and teaching a few key things to my clients for them to uncover the secrets for themselves …

If you’re going to feel great about your style, it needs to be a true reflection of yourself. Your clothes and wardrobe should work FOR you! This means taking into consideration your lifestyle AND your personality.

So, what do you do each day?
Are you in casual or formal environments? Who are you meeting? Are you active or at a desk? Are you chasing kids or meeting with clients? What you’re doing each day will determine what you’re wearing. And the frequency that you do different activities will determine how to build a wardrobe you love that really does work for you.

In terms of your personality, consider a few adjectives you would use to describe yourself. Now, you want to incorporate those ideas into your style. Are you creative, free-spirited, a bookworm, classic, athletic, etc.?

The bottom line is that if you’re trying to be something you’re not, the disconnect will be apparent and you may find that people don’t respond or relate to you as you would like. Even if you work in a corporate conservative setting and you’re a free-spirit, you need to have a bit of that free-spirit element in your style while still being work appropriate. Trust me, it’s possible!!

You don’t have to have a huge budget to have a great wardrobe that works FOR you. For instance, I prefer to start in a client’s closet and re-work everything they already own! And there are so many resources for buying quality, designer goods at crazy savings!

The key is knowing when to spend versus when to save. I could go into so much detail on this which will probably have to be another article. (If you’d like more on this, please comment!)

For your basics, you should spend as much as you can afford
. These will last in your wardrobe for years. They should fit you perfectly and work with your body type. These pieces are what I call ‘Closet Staples’ and stand the test of time. You will always need a dark blazer, a perfect cardigan and a great pair of nude pumps. However, I’m willing to bet that you can still find a lot of these pieces on sale.

For your trendier items, shop at chain stores that take inspiration from the top designers and interpret them at a price point that is much more reasonable. For instance, Zara, J Crew, Banana Republic and even Target! These are what I would call Wardrobe Updates and are prints, colors, fabrics, textures, etc. FUN!

One reason why Carrie Bradshaw’s style is so memorable is because she took risks. Chloe Sevigny is another great example of a risk taker. Even I will take a risk … and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Either way, I’m pushing my boundaries and comfort zone … and even discovering some great new things along the way. This is where you truly experience an evolution of style.

By taking risks you learn what you really like, which colors are best for you, what shapes work for your body type and how amazing it feels to stand out and get noticed!

Your style is an extension of you and you’re an amazing woman, so don’t hide that! Have fun with color, textures, prints and all of the tips I shared above. Find what works for you and start playing! When you have fun with your style and don’t take it so seriously, you’ll realize it becomes a lot more easy and effortless. You can be honest with yourself about what works, what you like and what the occasion calls for and then you can add a pop of personality. Start with color, then add accessories, then play with color (unexpected and/or sophisticated color combinations), and finally play with proportions.

Those women you look to for being easy and effortless and may feel a pang of jealousy because it looks like they just ‘threw it on and went out the door.’ Well, they probably did! Simply because they’re having fun. They’re wearing what they’re wearing because it makes them feel great. And, it works with their lifestyle and personality.

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