To follow up last week’s post on incorporating color into your wardrobe, I thought I’d share a bit more about WHY. Check out this quick summary of the meaning/perception of colors:


Red: Energy, war, danger, strength, power,  warmth, determination, attractiveness, beauty, passion, desire, and love.

Pink: Romance, love, compassion, femininity, passiveness and friendship.

Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.

Orange: Joy, enthusiasm, adventure, happiness, creativity, inspiration, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
Gold: Illumination, wisdom, wealth and high quality.

Yellow: Cheerfulness, strong communication, joy, purity, happiness, expressiveness, intellect, logic and energy.

NOTE: Be careful with your yellows, though as a dull yellow can be translated as caution, decay, sickness and jealousy.

Green: Growth, harmony, freedom, freshness, fertility, safety, balance, stability, endurance and money.

Turquoise: Transformation, imagination, clarity, rareness, change, newness and victory.

Blue: Tranquility, depth, stability, acceptance, trust, loyalty, wisdom, creativity, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

Purple: Power, respect, nobility, luxury, ambition, wealth and extravagance, wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, and mystery.

White: Light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity.

Black: Power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery (and fear).

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