A guide for Philanthropists, Entrepreneurs and Ladder Jumping Corporate Women


Again, the quote at the crux of this series:

“Initially Style is more important than substance. If you don’t have the right Style, you won’t get to share any of your substance.”

The key is that you have A style- YOUR style. “Right Style” simply means to get noticed and recognized, not a style that lets you sit in the shadows.

You don’t want to sit in the shadows, do you? You have your message to get out to the world! You want to that promotion, land that new client, get that speaking gig, etc.

Tip #3: Consider Your Brand

This is true whether you have your own business or you’re building a corporate career.

Personal Brand:What people perceive when they first meet you. This includes your presentation, image and manner of speaking.

How you present yourself each day should be consistent with your personal brand- whether you’re in a personal or professional setting.

Though this sounds like a lot of work, it actually can be pretty easy. The beauty is that YOU get to define your personal brand, so it should be a true reflection of  your personality, interests and goals.

I cannot stress enough that your Brand needs to be about YOU! Recall the comment from Tony Robbins…I want you to get to share your substance! If you’re trying to fit a mold that wasn’t made for you, it’s just not going to work.


You need to fit the mold to you.

Let me explain…

First, what is your favorite color? Now what is your favorite color to wear? Why? How does it (or they!) make you feel? This says a lot about HOW you are. You might be happy, energetic, calm, compassionate, fiery, bold, stubborn, regal, etc. The colors you wear reflect this to your audience. Be sure that the message you want to get across comes through (subconsciously) in your Personal Branding.

Second, how would you describe yourself? What are some adjectives others often use to describe you? What do you want to include in your personal brand? Some adjectives to consider: polished, professional, creative, sophisticated, intelligent, enthusiastic, hippie, etc.

Finally, what would you consider your ideal style? Going back to your vision board, how do you want to come across from a STYLE point of view? Bohemian? Chic? Classic? Trendy? Independent?

Taking these three pieces into consideration, you can fit the mold to you by staying true to YOU and your STYLE while making your look appropriate for the occasion.

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