Clients often ask me what my budget is for updating my wardrobe.

Honestly, not much. And I don’t shop for myself very often.


Because I have a closet full of clothes I love. Literally. I wear everything in my closet and am constantly clearing it out as I realize pieces that have either lived a good life or just aren’t me anymore.

As you evolve as a person, so does your style. Your style is an outward reflection of your inner self.

Instead, I buy pieces one at a time as I realize a need or a strong desire and I already have a few outfit ideas for the new piece.

If you’re going on a shopping spree with a friend and impulsively buying new pieces, I guarantee you are wasting money on your wardrobe. How many items in your closet still have the price tags on? Why aren’t you wearing them? What is holding you back?

There are two possible scenarios:

1)    You were pulled to it for color/print/style, but you just don’t know how to create an outfit around it. All you need are the tools and an expert to guide you.

2)    You were forcing it to work because you were trying to fit a trend or a mold. It doesn’t fit quite right and/or the print/color are a bit off.

In a Style Session with a client, often some of my favorite finds and the most exciting new outfits are created with the pieces from scenario one. It’s even more fun because it’s the first step for a client to evolve and define her style. She SEES herself more clearly.

Now, how to stop wasting money on your wardrobe:

1)    Assess the situation. What do you have versus what do you feel is missing? This is the number one way U*styled helps clients – literally merchandising your closet so it’s like shopping in the best boutique each morning.

2)    Create a Wardrobe you Love Action Plan (WYLAP). Create a list of items that would really maximize your wardrobe and allow for lots of fun mixing + matching. Prioritize that list. Identify designers and stores that will have great options for you in your price point.

3)    Set a Budget. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself a monthly clothing allowance and start checking off your WYLAP list every month or every other month.

4)    Stop buying in Bulk. Aim for 3-5 new items with each shopping trip. Even with Boutique Box, we are mindful of the client’s budget and needs. To maximize value, we’ll go up to 8 items or so, but that is with expert help. Pace yourself. You have a lifetime to build a wardrobe you love.


Have you already created a WYLAP? I would love to know what is next on your shopping list!

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