We’ve all been there. It happens at least once a month. A day or two (or ten) where we just don’t feel like putting on real clothes.

It’s perfectly acceptable to leave the house in your sweats, right?

Even if they’re cute, NO!

I may be a personal stylist, but I’m also a woman. I get it. I’ve been there quite often myself.

If you need to just get out the door, some easy tricks to do it in style, even when you really don’t feel like it.


Throw on a dress

A self-confessed tomboy all my life, it’s taken me some time to discover the merits of dresses. (Ask my mom how I felt about them as a little girl) Now, while I’m still very much a tee-shirt + jeans gal, there is no denying how easy dresses are.

If you really need comfort, go for jersey. Take advantage of the maxi trend. Super comfortable, yet so chic. A structured dress will give you shape on those mornings that you feel like you don’t have much of one. Throw on some spanx for a little extra confidence if you need.


Add Color

An instant mood booster! Whether it’s with your blouse, accessories, shoes, etc. a little pop of color will add interest to your outfit while brightening your complexion. All the compliments on how great that color looks on you will give your ego (and mood) little boosts throughout the day.


Grab a scarf

Insta-chic! A basic tee-shirt + jeans are instantly upleveled when you throw a scarf on with the look. Make it longer and in a fun color or print so you can easily drape it and it adds some contrast to your outfit.



You know you’re going to walk taller and feel more polished in a pair of heels, so forgo a bit of comfort that the flats would give you for the confidence and sass that the pair of heels gives you. You can find comfortable heels (it only takes an inch or so to give you that swagger), so there are no excuses here!


There is a bit of a theme here … on days when you really don’t feel like getting dressed, all the more reason to dress it up a bit. You will be pleasantly surprised at how GOOD you feel, not to mention how much more productive you are!  You may even want to start dressing it up a bit more every day (I approve!).



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