by sheila viers


[Knock, knock, knock] “Sheila we’re meeting in conference room 2 to celebrate Gina and Michelle’s birthdays. Come join us for some cake!”

…and that’s when the all too familiar feeling of dread set in the pit of my stomach.

Do I go and just avoid the cake? But then everyone gives me a hard time and tries to peer pressure me into having some.

Do I not go and just stay here at my desk claiming to have too much work to do? No, that would be rude.

Do I bring my afternoon snack of Greek yogurt and nuts and eat that while everyone else is eating cake? Omg, how boring is that!

Office party cake was my kryptonite. Then again, so was happy hour with friends on Friday night and the family barbecue on Sunday. Temptation was EVERYWHERE and I didn’t know how to deal.

This was me about nine years ago and long before that. I had a tumultuous relationship with food throughout most of my life.

Around the time of this story I share above, I had peaked in terms of information overload – “knowing” all about what foods are good and what foods are bad and I was super hard on myself if I didn’t follow the rules because I kneeeew what I needed to do in order to get lean.

So, for the most part, I abstained from partaking in the fun office cake parties. I didn’t go out with friends very much and when I did, I would eat before I went and would stick to low-carb beer (eww).

I would go to the barbecue and I would feel deprived of all the goodies I felt like I was missing out on until I would cave, binge, and feel emotionally and physically gross afterward.

It sucked! I was seeing results in my body and I was getting closer and closer to the number I wanted to see on the scale, but emotionally I felt drained and sad.

I wanted the best of both worlds. I wanted my dream body, to look in the mirror and truly love what I saw, to be able to ROCK my bikini and not worry about extra jiggle AND I wanted to enjoy my life. To feel free, open, and at peace with food.

I was so conflicted because the magazines and experts made it seem so easy… you just follow these rules and then boom, by dream body magic, you hit your goal.

But nobody ever talked about how to live your life after the diet.

How to unravel yourself from the restriction and abstinence so that you don’t run for the hills every time you’re presented with a plate of cake and ice cream.

Now, it’s my mission to help women unlock themselves from this body jail so that they can have the body of their dreams and feel amazing in their skin WITHOUT dieting and the mind-games that come with it.

In honor of this mission, I am sharing my journey of how I began to unravel myself from this self-sabotaging way of thinking, living and eating.

VIDEO: The Secret to ROCKIN’ Your Dream Body For Life

dream body

These steps are the exact first steps I took that allowed me to lose 35 pounds. And, more importantly, keep it off for the past six years.

Not only that, but I’ve taught many more women how to do this too. It’s a science… and it’s most likely waaaaay different than what you’ve been trying up until now to lose weight. But it works.

Are YOU ready to try something different so you can finally get and keep the body you’ve been dreaming of for so long?

Get the videos and the inside scoop here: Rock your Dream Body (for life!)



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