Last Sunday night I did something I never thought I would do: I performed in front of a crowd of strangers.

It was something I felt called to do after I saw a good friend of mine perform in the same show last year.

This performance is not about acting. It’s about sharing your story and your healing and through that, giving others the permission to share their truth and offering healing through these stories.

What was amazing was how we could all relate to each others stories and pain. Even if we hadn’t experienced their specific story.

My story was about my shyness and having my heart broken open by my best friend and having to work through my shyness to make friends, so I wouldn’t be alone.

Most people who meet me would never guess how shy I actually am. Because I love people’s stories so much, I can usually work through my shyness, but it definitely comes back. Every networking event, every speaking engagement, every first date … I’d rather be at home reading!

But my story and my experiences have certainly made me stronger. Having my heart broken by friends so many times has made my heart bigger so I can actually share more love. I’ve actually had my heart broken by girls and friends more than I have by romantic relationships or boys. And I’m grateful to those women BECAUSE of what I learned about myself in the process.

I spent a lot of my life afraid of my beauty. I didn’t want to stand out because that’s how I would end up getting hurt. Girls were not kind. I experienced this reality in elementary school, middle school, high school, a bit in college and even in the working world.

Until I struck out on my own.

Thanks to my business and the courage I had to leave what was known to create the unknown, Iartistpreneurs2 have met the most amazing women.


I have a rich circle of friends.


I am not alone.


You are not alone.


We are not alone.


Now, the women around me hold me up. They see me in my brightest light. They honor and celebrate my beauty with me as I honor and celebrate theirs.
I honor and celebrate yours. Do you see it? I see it for you.

Pretty means: pleasing, attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness.

Beautiful means: possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc. Delighting the senses or mind.

Pretty is lovely. Beautiful makes an impact.

I don’t know about you, but I want to make an impact.

To me, beauty is power. And you are all beautiful and powerful. I want you to see this, to know this.

I hold the space for my clients to truly see their beauty and step into their power.

There is NO judgement.You are not born knowing what to wear or where to shop. So stop beating yourself up and ask for help! (It’s WAY more fun!)

I have to tell you, I had a few men approach me after my performance to share how much they hoped my message of spreading and empowering beauty and power in women reached more women … because they love seeing us look and feel beautiful and standing in our power.

It’s taken me 30 plus years to feel beautiful. To be able to say, yes, I’m beautiful. To want to be seen and heard. To stand in my power. And now that I have, life has really opened up. (It is FUN!) I want that for you, too. I see your beauty and power, but do you? It’s time for you to feel your beauty and to stand in your power.

I used my style as my armor for a long time (and sometimes still do) to give me confidence in situations that made me nervous.

You can do that, too.

In fact, it’s a big reason why I believe so passionately about sharing with women the tools to use their style as a catalyst for them to step into their power. Because you can fake it ’til you make and then you believe it, when you have the right support.

You are powerful, perfect and beautiful.

Just as you are.

You don’t need to pinch your fat or wear a corset or stare at yourself in the mirror.

You are beautiful.


Just as you are.



Ready to step into YOUR power? Sign up for our email series ‘Build a Wardrobe you Love’ to be in the know for an exciting program launching soon which will give you the tools to do just that! Until then, keep stepping into your power!



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One thought on “How I Stepped into MY Power

  1. Catherine, your story sounds similar to mine in more than a few ways. I’m so glad that you have stepped into your spotlight and are highlight the word “beauty” as powerful and impactful. What an amazing gift you’re giving the world and to your community. So proud of you!

    Posted on May 8, 2014 at 7:27 pm